
Top 5

Here are my own five favorite posts in this blog:

1) My learning

Okay, so this is sort of cheating since it's a series of posts but I break rules for a living so who cares.

I decided to write a short blog post on how I learn. Eighteen posts later it turned into a quite comprehensive description of my learning covering, among many things, how I find motivation, how I read books and how my personality affects my learning.

2) How to come up with test ideas

I decided to write a short post about generating test ideas. Many, many hours later this post was finally published. It's a pretty massive collection of resources and information, carefully selected to help testers, both experienced and inexperienced, become better at coming up with test ideas.

3) My success story, a story about failures

I grew up thinking presenting was not my thing. I spoke fast, loud and did not have that cool deep voice like some others did. Fast forward and I'm now a comfortable speaker who can do a pretty good job on stage. This blog post is to all of you who think you're "just not born to become speakers". A rather personal story meant to inspire combined with actual, practical advice.

4) The year I became a passionate tester

Six posts I wrote 2012/2013 to tell the story of how I went from being a mediocre tester to becoming an internationally recognized, top notch tester in just over a year. It's a combination of tips to newcomers and some learning resources all presented as a story. The overall theme is: There's absolutely nothing stopping you from becoming a great tester.

5) How do you help a team become awesome?

A few years ago I asked the question "how do you help a team become awesome". I got many different answers and obviously spent plenty of time answering it myself. This blog post is my understanding of how you do based all those answers.

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