See blog post: Skill development list - explanation, to read some background.
- Attend a testing course
- RST with James Bach - November 2012
- 5 day testing course with various researchers from MDH - October 2012
- Books
- Reading Lessons Learned in Software Testing right now (still taking my time...)
- Reading a book on parenting and child psychology/development, expect a test-related post when I'm done! Great stuff!
- Read "Snacka Snyggt", Swedish book on rhetoric.
- Find testing blogs I find inspiring or educational and follow them
- James Bach, Michael Bolton, Huib Schoots, Ilari Henrik Aegerter and several others (RSS says something like 40 test related blogs)
- Find interesting people to follow on Twitter
- James Bach, Michael Bolton, Paul Holland, Scott Barber, Huib Schoots, Gojko Adzic, Jon Bach, Henrik Andersson, Johan Jonasson, Griffin Jones, Software Testing Club and god knows how many more...
This is under construction, lot's of thoughts but very little put into words yet.
- Find an application in an area I want to learn, test it for a set amount of time and write a report to the developer
- Same as above but publish the report on the blog
- Practice a test related skill and publish the results on the blog
Social Networking
- Attend a testing conference in Sweden
- SWET 4 - November 2012
- Attend a testing conference abroad
- Attend a local meetup
- EAST Meetup - June 2012
- EAST Pub Evening - June 2012
- EAST Meetup - September 2012
- ...
- Be active in the local testing communities
- Active in EAST
- Spreading the knowledge about the testing community outside my work, at my work.
- Help arrange a network opportunity
- EAST Pub Evening - June 2012
- EAST Meetup at Ericsson - October 2012
Spread Knowledge
- Give a presentation regarding software testing
- Presentation about Exploratory Testing - May 2012
- Test Matrix - September 2012
- How we test, having fun as you main guideline - September 2012
- Write a test related blog post that is spread by more than 3 people
- Write a test related blog post I personally feel is really good
- I like Guided by fun really much.
- Write an article on Software Testing Club or similar
- Write an article about a subject I know a lot about and that is relevant to software testing
This is under construction, lot's of thoughts but very little put into words yet.
- Practice note taking
- Practice: Note taking
- Kept my note taking under observation during RST
- Be active in the general test discussions at my work
- Put what I learn into practice
- Ask questions when there is something I don't understand
- Work on my endurance
- Challenge any assumptions I don't believe in and that lacks relevant background
- Learn to focus when I'm all over the place
- Learn to defocus when I'm stuck
- Embrace the CDT community, (coaching, help, share, talk, question etc.)
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